
Crash 4 makes sure you have fun, no matter how much you suffer! #shorts ๐๐ฅโค๏ธ

Nitro crates and Crash donโt play nice! ๐๐ฅ๐ฎ#shorts

Crash 4 can be more like an endurance test of patience! Not that im complaining! ๐๐ฎโค๏ธ #shorts

Good game design always deserves to be rewarded! ๐ฅโค๏ธ๐ฎ #shorts

Super Saiyan hardcore platforming focus activated! ๐ฅโค๏ธ๐ฎ #shorts #supersaiyan

The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy was fantastic and so much fun! ๐ฅ๐ฎโค๏ธ #shorts

Is Tawna Bandicoot the best character in Crash 4? ๐คโค๏ธ๐ฎ #shorts #question

Crash Bandicoot always makes a strong entrance! #shorts #entrance ๐๐ฅโค๏ธ

Oh why hello there and welcome to Everygamesamazing!
Here at Every Games Amazing, I’m looking to combine handcrafted Youtube videos and write-ups for said videos. I want both to live in harmony in order to create something truly amazing. If you found this site please share it around and let me know what you think of my content thus far. Every little bit helps me to grow and flourish in this harsh Youtube landscape. I know I’m pretty late to the party but I want to give it my best shot. The idea came from an obvious love of video games and everything surrounding them. I’ve always liked to write and I’ve always loved to play games for far too long, so it’s a match; plain and simple.
Check out my YouTube channel by clicking here!