(4) Stealing from a Giant Bird Isn’t Recommended in Final Fantasy XV

(4) Stealing from a Giant Bird Isn’t Recommended in Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV Fishing is its sad reward

Back To Fishing in FFXV

Catching the wrong fish tempted me to cast one last time.

After taking a bold step, Final Fantasy XV fishing seems to be the bane of this game so far for me. Not being able to comprehend how the fishing works, I stupidly start this episode trying to catch that cats’ dinner because I feel bad.  But only seeing the Glowing fish tells me that maybe the specific fish I need obtain is only available to catch in the day time?  I’m not entirely sure but I’m not going to stick around to find out, I got quests to attempt and complete don’t you know.  Ignis makes a good point to take a break before we set out on the latest story quest.  Luckily, he points out a nice and more importantly cheap RV in the distance.

Leveling Up Relaxation

Camping Relaxation with the gang

The crew takes a break after a hard few moments

I know I consistently gush over the little cut scenes that play out during such trivial moments but the world-building and attention to detail never cease to amaze.  Showing them set up the table, watching Ignis light the stove in the RV, and then chatting while you level up is just so immersive.  It makes you feel like a major part of this four-person crew. Being able to pick out the images that Pinto has taken is just icing on the cake.  After picking out my favorite images since they’re supposed to come into play later in the game or so I’ve read; it’s time to get back on the road.  A nice leisurely car ride leads to a mountain ridge parking spot, ominous to say the least.

The Return of the Giant Bird

Giant Bird Returns and attacks

Oh, god RUN AWAY

It’s a hop and a skip to the top of the mountain, collecting minerals and enjoying the scenery.  Everything is well until you come face to face with the giant bird that flew over you earlier. The entire game makes an about-face as you duck and everyone starts to whisper. You suddenly must move very slowly and walk right in front of the hulking monstrosity, hoping with all hope that it won’t wake up. The music mixed with scared whispers of the crew make every moment feel like it matters, one wrong step and it’s all over. Luckily getting to the mineral deposit is quite easy if you’re slow and methodical about it.

Going back is where the problem arises, the bird wakes up and everyone starts freaking out (including myself).  Watching it stand up and flex both its wings is kind of awe-inspiring.  Your mind changes gears and you think it’s time to battle. The good thing is that you don’t have to fight it (yet).  The bad thing is that it runs Noctis over as it takes off into the wild blue sky causing massive damage.  Considering that this feels like a cut-scene even though it so seamless, I’m guessing it’s unavoidable but still tense nonetheless.  Nearly falling off the cliff and watching the giant bird fly off is nice and all but it’s time to go hunt some monsters.

Dog Tag Collection Agency

Man Wearing Dog Tags

This guy wants us to collect dog tags and I’m happy to oblige

Utilizing the fast travel system that I just got access to allows me to jump right to a mission, the driving is nice, and missing the view sucks but I’m on a schedule.  The head hunter shown above wants me to collect some dog tags from the fallen, sounds easy enough.  A quick trip to the diner to realize I’m too poor to afford a meal and I’m off to collect.  Finding a torn apart camp reveals the monster holding the dog tag.  It’s not too in-depth just walk up and press a button but when your crew notices the monster; it’s cool.  From there just follow the waypoint to a big monster gathering and get ready for a fight.

Team Effort is everything in Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV: Team Effort

Fighting some hounds is no problem, just going in guns blazing cuts them down in no time flat.  Employing Pintos Piercer’s special move makes the short work of all the enemies.  All that’s left is to collect the dog tag and turn in the quest.  Thus, closes part 4, this was a productive episode accomplished a lot in a little.  Also, my second attempt at trying voice recording and it in my mind came out better, practice makes perfect right.

Let’s keep moving along and learn all about the Kingsglaive!

Hunter Armada

About HunterArmada

I play video games, record it, upload it and write about the experience. Using Youtube and WordPress to help create something new and interesting.
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