(3) One Small Step May Lead To a Bright Future in Final Fantasy XV

(3) One Small Step May Lead To a Bright Future in Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV: One Small Step

The world map in Final Fantasy XV

This may be one small step, but that’s one big open world.

Coming from the road trip last time we’ve got a lot to dig into, but first a word from the man himself.

Wow, so this a hallmark episode of Final Fantasy XV and for me, something I’ve been looking forward to but also extremely nervous about.  Honestly, I didn’t even know the PS4 could record voice over the gameplay, but it can; pro-tip.  But once I noticed that the gameplay is fine and flows nicely on its own I felt like it was missing something, oh duh my idiot voice and charisma; perfect fit I’d say.  It took me well over an hour of hyping myself up before I dared to attempt to do it.  After two practice sessions to see how well the packed in Playstation 4 mic performed; I was confident.  The sound quality isn’t the best but for my first attempt ever in my life I am not going to be too hard on myself, I’ll let the internet do that for me.

It was nerve-racking, sweat-inducing, and in a way very cathartic.  I played the game and just talked, as I tend to do anyway.  But somehow when you know you’re being recorded you act differently and it causes you to play in a new way as well.  When I recorded without my voice, I just wanted to show game-play.  But you flip that switch and world falls below you.  Suddenly everything you say is recorded forever, do you watch your language?  Do you care about that dumb thing you said?  Do you sound like a crazy idiot who doesn’t know anything?  It was a whole new universe that I’ve only seen through the looking glass, but now I’m in the shark tank.

Small Victories

Out of Service Message

My brain while recording this episode and trying to add commentary.

Although the interesting aspect of the whole thing was that by the end of the recording and I had triumphantly caught that fish none of that mattered.  All I could think about was how much fun I was having.  Stopping after a victory, even if it was small as catching a fish felt incredible.  I cheered and said goodbye, then I knew that clip was forever a celebration to my small but ever so sweet victory.  The only real disappointment I have with my first attempt is that it was a kind of nice lazy part of the game.  No combat this episode just traveling down the road, missing a ferry, meeting a new face, and trying my best to help a cat in need.  But enough of me gushing about my first recording let’s get to those sweet gameplay highlights.

After remembering how to drive, the manual was grayed out and I had to choose auto.  This took me too long to realize that even though it was rather confusing.  We’re off to the ferry to move the main story along.  Sit back and relax listening to the radio broadcast some information, that the characters react to which helps world-building, especially this early. The scenery just never ceases to amaze me, no matter where the cameras pointed it all just looks so crystal clear.  After watching Pinto try not to fall out of the car while we park I give it a quick fill-up.  Not sure if doing so served a purpose but it couldn’t hurt in any regard.

Quick Drive and Some New Faces

Coin Flip

When someone this cool looking flips a coin at you; you’d better catch it.

Simply clicking a sign that I thought was for a monster hunt revealed that Ignis can learn recipes instead.  Which are a nice way to spread these collectibles out and I can’t wait to see the food rendered at my next camping spot.  A quick jog down the pier reveals a new character with some awesome coin flipping skills, he’s gone shortly after so who knows how he’s going to unfold down the road.  Over to the desk reveals a whole mess of spots for things to do, which is exciting no shortage of gameplay content to worry about in the future.

Unsurprisingly we learn that the ferry is out of order and meet yet another new face.  He seems a lot more chill than the coin-flipping guy but he wants a favor.  Needless to say, I’m inclined to get it done.  A gentlemen’s Agreement as it were.  Upon finding out how expensive a room at the boardwalk is I decide to leave. The price is way too hefty this early into the game.  Trying to get back to my car I notice a cat quest giver, it’s hungry and I’m just the man for the job.  This is where everything goes downhill very fast.

Frustrated Fishing

Glowing Barrel Fish

I took some doing but I finally caught the elusive fish and ended the episode!

Now I’m guessing I just suck or I need to upgrade my fishing skill quite a bit.  This felt like a real bare-bones approach, I noticed the fishing shop but ultimately didn’t bother which was not very smart.  I spend the next five minutes learning how to fish and not suck at it.  Something as simple as cast line to fish and be patient as you move the lure around to get their attention shouldn’t be this tedious.  They never seemed to pay more attention no matter where I threw the line or how much I did or didn’t move.

Paying attention to the red bar, which is the same bar in combat; some nice consistency there.  I was able to finally land a bite, now it changes to reel in the fish as well as make sure the tension doesn’t break.  This is where it got tense for me; I did not for the life of me want to lose this fish.  Thankfully this second part is way easier just reel in the fish and completes the quick-time event.  Watching Noctis lift that Glowing Barrelfish was a moment of pure joy.  I had learned and overcome something and it was on video with my voice.  Truly a moment to remember, at least for me personally.

Final Thoughts So Far

This was my best episode of Final Fantasy XV yet, yeah it was slightly non-exciting and there was no combat; but I tried something new.  I just tried it when the game decided to slow down for a bit.  Nothing against the game of course but it’s exciting to keep going and growing; in real life and the game.

Pro-tip for the next part, never steal from a giant bird.

Hunter Armada

About HunterArmada

I play video games, record it, upload it and write about the experience. Using Youtube and WordPress to help create something new and interesting.
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