(6) Finding the Tomb of the Royal Arms in FFXV

Final Fantasy XV: Tomb of the Royal Arms

(6) Finding the Tomb of the Royal Arms in FFXV

Learning all about Kingsglaive was really exciting but today’s episode of Final Fantasy XV is a hallmark showcase, mainly cause it’s nearly 30 minutes long. It surprises and entertains with a crazy amount of quality. The aftermath of losing King Lucis and the city to the invading army only makes Noctis more determined. He wants to get this quest moving and reclaim the land as well as the throne.

Cid's Original Crew

The Original Cid Crew before the old age set in

Getting back to Cid’s garage we discover that Cid was friends with Lucis. They were the original four-person crew even going as far as to have similar clothing. It may even be the same car that we’re currently driving which would make sense since Cid was so interested in getting it fixed.


Weapon Upgrades & Car Customization

Upgrading Weapons in FFXV

Upgrading weapons in Final Fantasy XV is as basic as it gets

Learning more of Cid’s backstory is nice but we gotta keep moving here. Picking up a Hi-Potion and my first Phoneix Down I talk to Cid one last time to learn about upgrading weapons. Pretty basic, get the specific element or scrap for that weapon and you’ll get a nice new more powerful one. I decide to upgrade my new Drain Lance since it’s the only thing I can at the moment. Get a nice stats to boost, a couple of experience points, and complete a mission; time to hit the road.

Having only three mission options I choose to continue the story. But before we head off I take a moment to customize the Regalia.  Thankfully this part is free for now with the limited options I have available. The only options I have for now are the body, the interior, and the wheels. I choose a nice Deep Sea Blue for the body color, emerald green for the interior and matte green star for the tires. Green’s my favorite color, so I want to change that body color first chance I get.

Car Customization is robust in ffxv

Ignis fears make total sense, I wouldn’t want to walk up to this

Stuck in the Mundane

Run over the diner to get a quest to find a tomato, realize I don’t have enough money to buy a nice meal so I settle for Chili Con Carne. This causes Ignis to get an idea for a new recipe, the Burly Bean Bowl. Run over to the car to leave after a small meal, fill up the tank, get a quick wash and we’re on our way. At least I thought I was, it turns out the characters don’t like to go out at night.  With good reason, they talk like we’re going to instantly die the second we get on the highway. The choice to press forward is ultimately up to me but I don’t want to take the risk being such a low level.

Sleeping the RV for the night we wake to a phone call from Dino, he says he wants to meet up.  I in turn completely ignore the opportunity to move the story forward, I’m determined not to be side-tracked just quite yet. A nice quick ride with some rhinos in the distance and we’re at our destination.

In Search of a Tomb

Checking out the shop reveals nothing new to purchase, real shocker there. We get a new dog tag quest “Dust to Dust” and meet up with a new character Monica. We’re told to meet Cor at an old tomb that wields something we want to get a hold of. Heading to the tomb involves more combat since it has been a while I have to warm up. These are new enemies that fly and I have to warp-strike them to get any damage. They’re pretty easy but the change is a bit hard to comprehend at first.

Using the Warp-Strike on airborne enemies

The Warp-Strike is good for airborne enemies

I do find it cool that Ignis stops the player and explains a good strategy for the enemies you’re about to face. It’s a good way to build teamwork and strengthen the bond with you and your crew.  Another Warp-Strike fight; and we’re inside the tomb, wasn’t too hard to find.

Royal Arms, always in the last place you’d expect

Cor explains that we can wield ancient weapons called “Royal Arms”, these are very powerful weapons at the cost of health. The first one we receive is the “Sword of the Wise”, it’s pretty cool looking but I don’t want to take the health sacrifice just yet.

Royal Arms have to pick there masters in ffxv

The sword has to pick its master

To wrap up the episode we have to move to a new location “Keycatrich Trench”, the interesting thing is that Cor joins our crew. I find it interesting that others can join our four-man squad, it opens up a lot of possibilities for the future.  In the end, I remember that I have AP points to spend and spend some that I find useful. I wasn’t a fan of the earlier Final Fantasy Sphere Grids but this one seems easy to build out the way you want. Looking forward to continuing the adventure, did you like this episode let me know in the comments below!

Hunter Armada

About HunterArmada

I play video games, record it, upload it and write about the experience. Using Youtube and WordPress to help create something new and interesting.
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