Becoming a True Avenger in Marvel’s Avengers

I am Iron Man in Marvel’s Avengers (Gameplay and Impressions)

Marvel’s Avengers is a game that just feels like it is stuck in the past and brings nothing new for the future of gameplay.

The game starts strong, comparable to a game like Uncharted with its level of polish and showmanship. We have heard it all before: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Well, take that to heart here because the innards of this game don’t live up to the initial impression. 

The gameplay is shallow, the missions are a drag, and the level of grinding that just isn’t fun or rewarding for the player. The average gameplay time (for just story-focused missions) is about 12-15 hours. But it’s just all the same. Missions have a lack of variety and no substance to make up for the mundane. The blatant repetitiveness was a letdown considering how highly acclaimed the series is. It just does not feel like a game that is worth the $60 price tag.

Breaking Down the Marvel Avenger’s Gameplay

Take a look at the statistics below for a quick breakdown of what I encountered in my Let’s Play.

  • 4 Avengers Lost
  • 2 King of the Hills Toppled
  • 1 Hulk Chest Opening via Foot
Marvels Avengers Gameplay Statistics
Yes, the Hulk opens the chest with his feet and it’s my favorite part of the game

Marvels Avengers Video Time Stamps

Let’s dive into some Marvel’s Avengers gameplay and break down my critique.

The One and Only: Iron Man

On a surface level, the game design is great! Controls are also precise and responsive. And if we learned anything from Battletoads last week… it’s that controls are the defining factor of whether a game will be a rage-play. Marvel’s Avengers was a breath of fresh air in this department. 

The developers put a lot of time and effort into crafting the elements of graphics and effects. Each Avenger is represented just as they would be on a theater screen. 

Playing as Iron Man is a ton of fun! With flying abilities, gameplay allows you to soar around the level and take down enemies. He is geared up with rockets and lasers for battle sequences, efficient in taking out the level’s robots.

The one thing I want to make blatantly clear: you will have seen the entirety of this game simply within one minute and fifty-five seconds of the video.

And I mean that.

Iron Man Fighting with 60+ Hours
60+ Hours of hitting robots

The game gives you bits of information throughout battles, such as the number notifications that pop out of enemies to signify just how strong your hits are. Kind of a similar mechanic used in Borderlands. There’s no denying that big numbers make you feel good but if you sit down and think about it, you’re just hitting one button until you win.

Throwing in some throws doesn’t add much to the overall package.

Early on we see the King of the Hill style of mission where you just sit in a circle until a bar fills and the mission completes. After that’s done, you take out a bunch of robots and receive the HulkBuster Armor and clear out the room to finish the mission.

War Table

Taking a look at the War Table we see that the game is dulled out via missions that you select from a menu. Pictured below is just the War Table but the jet itself is a massive ship you can walk around in and interact with. It acts almost like a break room where players can stop between missions if they choose to do so.

I’m personally a player that just wants to go so the simplicity of just having the War Table would be fine by me.

Marvel's Avengers War Table Mission Select
This War Table is 100% easier to choose a mission and get back into the gameplay

After some explanation and a look through, we’re off on a Hulk Iconic Mission which is a specific mission for Hulk to get him some better gear. We build Hulks loadout and jump right back into the gameplay.

Hulks Iconic Mission

As the Hulk we… Well, we hulk around. The level provided a chest and lots of things to HULK SMASH before we continue. 

If you’re looking for something concerning Anthem or Destiny then this is going to feel extremely familiar as you fight enemies on the way to a marker.

Running into a quick robotic mini-boss is no issue for the Hulk. Just a few Thunderclaps and some help from Iron Man is all it takes. These moves can be leveled up as the game goes on.

Hulk ThunderClap Attack on Miniboss
The Thunderclap is pretty powerful after you level it up a bit

Moving forward into the facility, we have an elevator ride and then the mission continues. The mission takes us deeper into the facility with enemies scattered about. We come across a computer that needs to be destroyed, which leads to some of my heavier critiques. 

If pressing a button until a non-moving object’s health bar goes down then this is the game for you. It pretty much is just this same thing over and over. For a series with so much acclaim, I had some hope that the game would live up.

With the data centers taken out, we’re in the final room of robots and finish the mission once they’re beaten.

At this point in the video, I take a quick minute to touch on details about why I do not think this game is worth it. Here they are below:

Every single one of the Avengers plays the same, with very few differences to appease different playing styles. Iron Man and Thor can fly through.

Button combos are copy and paste.

Final rooms are essentially just a tough-it-out until the robots are all defeated. This shows just how bad the AI is at reviving the player as they’ll come close and then run away. This mechanic caused me to die a few times before actually being able to win.

Otherwise, we just take out the robots and call this a successful mission. Next up is we look at the game’s character upgrades and jump into an Iron Man story mission.

Marvel’s Avengers Upgrades Explained

As you play through each mission you are rewarded with gears.

Hulk Gear Loadout
The gear just shows as a hologram rather than a piece of cool looking gear in the Avengers

The truth is that this is nothing more than making a number go up and up. It gives you a false sense of progress that adds no value to the game. You may get stronger but the enemies level up alongside you, it doesn’t matter how strong you get if the game doesn’t make you feel like you’re getting an upgrade that gives you a sense of having a lead over an enemy.

Since the gear is not displayed on the Avenger you get no sense of progress within the game, only the menus, which just isn’t fun. I wanted to build my Avenger’s look and feel but you only get one choice via costumes.

Making a number go up without some kind of visual just dilutes the entire experience and forces the game to be interesting in other ways. Which is another downfall because the game drops the ball in picking up that slack. 

If you’re looking for costumes that do change the look of the Avenger then you either have to play a ton of missions over many times or just drop real money.

With that out of the way, let’s jump into an Iron Man story mission to reassemble the Avengers.

Iron Man Story Mission

We start in a city and get a glimpse of the open-world aspect in a big level like this.

Iron Man Gameplay Icons
They add a lot of objectives outside the main one, but unless you want loot there pretty useless

I decided to ignore most of the side missions after I died attempting to grab a chest and just beeline right to the mission objective.

This turns into another King of the Hill style objective. As I said before, reusing the same mission with 40 minutes of gameplay just isn’t a good look and boring overall.

I take down a bunch of robots using Iron Man’s lasers and tools of destruction while holding the hill.

Now I know this game was made to play with multiple people, but I’m someone who has a lot of time playing solo. I like to immerse myself in the game and become one with the character I’m playing as. But the game also Playing Marvel Avengers feels like something is missing when playing solo.

Multiple Hunter Armadas Playing Marvel’s Avengers
When you don’t have friends to play certain games with you, it’s time to improvise

I wish this game was made with solo players in mind so everyone’s playstyle could be accommodated to, instead it feels like solo players got the short end of the stick.

After taking out the hill we move into the facility and take out some orange glowing pillars and call this a mission.

Is Marvel’s Avengers Amazing?

Hunter Armada Giving Final Gameplay Thoughts on Marvel’s Avengers
If you can’t tell I didn’t enjoy my time with Marvel’s Avengers very much

Marvel’s Avengers is a game full of pitfalls that don’t live up to the Avengers moniker.

It has a high-quality opening that baits you into thinking that this game is better than the sum of its parts.

It hides the “Live Game” aspect that slowly becomes dull over a few hours of gameplay. 

Mechanics, missions, and overall gameplay are entirely copied and paste.

There’s nothing new here. It’s just a game to try and get money out of you for costumes and the promise of future updates.

Right from the start, the game doesn’t add enough value or interest and then comes back to ask for more. You’ve got something you won’t have to worry about missing out on experiencing.

Is Marvels Avengers Amazing

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Hunter Armada

About HunterArmada

I play video games, record it, upload it and write about the experience. Using Youtube and WordPress to help create something new and interesting.
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