Is Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Amazing?
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst does more of what made the original so good but does it stick the landing?
Returnal is a Roguelike that uses everything the PlayStation 5 brings to the table, is that enough to make it amazing?
Fuzion Frenzy was Xbox’s take on Mario Party, does it match the same heights to be called amazing? Let's find out!
Peggle 2 brings fun back to puzzle games with so much craziness, but is it enough to make it amazing?
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst does more of what made the original so good but does it stick the landing?
Maneater stars a shark in their very own TV show! Whether that’s a good thing is to be determined.
Morkredd is a unique game that can stand on its own with the greatness of the all-powerful Orb!
GodFall is what happens when a game doesn’t know what it wants to be, so now we’re just bored.
The Demon Souls Remake is what you make of it and it’s worth diving in to see just how far we’ve come.