PS5 Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Unboxing and First Impressions

PS5 Pulse 3D Wireless Headset - Unboxing and First Impressions

From the box to the actual PS5 Pulse 3D Wireless Headset, everything screams clean and striking.

I like the look of the headset and after wearing them for several hours for testing I am happy with them.

They sound incredible and comparable to my WH-1000XM3 Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones which was shocking, to say the least.

Seeing everything via a video or pictures do not do these headphones justice, they are masterfully crafted to handle even the longest gaming session.

I’ve taken a crack at an unboxing video in the past but now I’m taking it to a new more professional level!

Let’s unbox the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset and see why they’ll perfectly complement your brand new PlayStation 5!

Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Unboxing Video Time Stamps

Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Box Overview

The first thing you notice right from the moment you see the box is just how striking it is.

Sony didn’t hold back when designing this really high-end and visually appealing box.

The front has the classic square, circle, triangle, and signs with the headset nicely centered.

Front of the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Box
The Pulse 3D Wireless Headset demands your attention right from the start

Going to the side of the box you can see that it’s compatible with the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR, Windows PC, and even Mac.

This is thanks to the provided USB dongle that’s as simple as plug and play for wherever you want to listen.

Left Side of the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Box
Sony lets you know upfront what you’re getting into

Moving on to the back of the box you can see that the headphones bring a lot more to the table than your average pair.

Back Side of the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Box
Everything you could ask all in one place

The Pulse 3D Wireless Headset was designed to complement the PlayStation 5 and that’s just a fantastic approach.

The microphone is built into the headset without the need for a mic jutting out the end. I am someone who appreciates this and hope other headphones follow Sony’s example.

The headphones have 12 hours of battery life, which is fine for a $100 investment. Nothing jaw-dropping though.

The controls are on the side of the ear cups and after a few minutes of use, I immediately learned where the buttons are. 

They all have a different height to let you know what’s important and just running your hand along it will allow you to control everything with ease.

It has a 3.5mm Jack that can be used to directly plug the headphones into the Playstation 5s controller or any receiver to match your preference.

The refined ear pads are proclaimed to be comfortable and I’ll dig into this later on.

Finally, we got the wireless adapter which again is just plugged and play, I was shocked how easy it was.

Right Side of the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset Box
3D Audio is something I’m interested in as I can’t hear it without a PS5

On the right side of the box, we got the 3D Pulse claim to fame, the 3D audio.

The interesting thing to note is that the box says that games must support the feature.

Now I’d imagine that all Sony First-Party games will have 3D audio in them. 

The bigger question is will Third-Party developers take advantage, I’d imagine Activision can do some cool things for Call of Duty.

So I’m excited to find out!

Unfortunately, I don’t have a PlayStation 5 to test this out on but I will update this article once I have experienced it!

Unboxing the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset

Unboxing the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset
I did not pick the best tape cutter for the job

Taking the tape off proves to be a little troublesome but eventually, I get the box open.

First up we got the instructions on how the controls work via the quick start guide. 

After some more struggling I get to the accessories including the USB dongle, 3.5mm jack, and the USB-C charging cable.

Big shout out to Sony for using USB-C and taking a step in the right direction.

But we’re here for the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset unboxing, finally, we see them in all their style.

Pulse 3D Wireless Headset First Impressions

First Impressions of the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset
They look insane and cool, just wish I didn’t have a constant fear of breaking them

As soon as I lifted them out of the box I had a mix of feelings in regards to these headphones.

They instantly feel like $100 headphones, there are just no two ways about it. They look striking and bring visual flair but they feel flimsy.

Every time I touch the headphones I feel like I have to be careful, the plastic band just feels like it could snap.

I’m not the biggest fan of the rubber band at the top either something about it just feels cheap.

The look is just awe-inspiring; you can’t deny these are Pulse 3D Headphones from any distance.

From the little swoosh on the side to the black and white contrast I love the look. I just wish they didn’t feel like I could break them just by putting them on.

Headset Button Overview

Buttons on the Pulse 3D Headphones
There’s a lot of buttons for the headphones but you’ll quickly memorize where they are located

On the side of the ear cups, we have a variety of buttons to click and improve the gaming experience.

You have the audio jack, charging USB-C, Mute, Volume Control, Monitor to mute yourself, chat, or gaming audio to help with focus.

Wearing the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset

When I first put the headphones on I was kinda shocked by how not comfortable they were.

The ear cups are fine but nothing really exciting, this changed after I wore them for a few hours while writing this very write-up!

They are just not comfortable until after you wear them for a while, which shocked me.

They do cover your entire ears which is a good thing because it’s so just much better.

These are noise-canceling headphones and you can tell from the outset.

I went from meh to a believer after wearing them for a few hours and that impressed me.

Comparing the Pulse 3D to the WH-1000XM3 Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones

Pulse 3D Wireless Headphones and Accessories
The WH-1000XM3 and the Pulse 3D headphones are in different leagues but accomplish the same thing

The Pulse 3D Headset is now giving them a run for their money as my favorite headphones ever.

There’s no denying that the WH-1000XM3 headphones are a lot more comfortable to wear for long periods.

The thing I still can’t get over is that the Pulse 3D headphones sound just as good if not better than the $350 WH-1000XM3 headphones.

Yes, you read that right a pair of $100 headphones sound just as good as a $350 pair of headphones. 

I couldn’t believe it either and yet here I am flipping through music just being constantly surprised.

If the Pulse 3D Wireless Headphones we’re just a bit more comfortable then there would be no contest.

But that price difference shows in their comfort level and it’s just a shame that wearing them for a few hours is kind of a pain.

You can tell from the rubber band at the top of the Pulse 3D and the foam of the WH-1000XM3s, there’s just a big enough difference for it to matter.

The more I wear them the more they’ll get worn in but I don’t see them being anywhere near as comfortable from what I’ve tested so far.

Final Thoughts on the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset

Final Thoughts on the Pulse 3D Wireless Headset
You can’t complain too much about a well-rounded headset at an amazing price point

I’m excited to have something from the PlayStation 5 family of accessories and these headphones are the real deal.

Looking past the comfort issue you can’t deny how good they sound.

The Pulse 3D Wireless Headset rivals the WH-1000XM3 in terms of sound quality bar none, they sound amazing.

Truly I was and continue to be shocked by how good they sound, I just wish wearing them for a few hours wasn’t a bit of a chore.

Combined with the fact that they feel flimsy and easily breakable you have to be delicate with them and treat the headphones with care.

These were built to complement the PlayStation 5 and it shows I can’t wait to hear 3D audio for myself and dive into the world of next-gen gaming.

Getting down to the final details Pulse 3D Wireless Headset is a steal at $100 and if you’re interested in hearing what Sony thinks next-gen games should sound like then be sure to pick them up!

Check Out the Other Amazing Unboxings!

Hunter Armada

About HunterArmada

I play video games, record it, upload it and write about the experience. Using Youtube and WordPress to help create something new and interesting.
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