Q Balls – A B- College Video Project

Q-Balls: The B- College Video Project

Q Balls!  I’m attempting to make good on that promise I wrote about back in February.  The above video is me testing out how to upload videos to YouTube and placing them here on the site.  I’m pretty new to all this so it’s slow going but exciting nonetheless.

If you watched the video than thanks it means a lot.  It was a college final project that me and my friends made, I got a B- for it.  We shot it all in about 3 hours and I probably put double that into editing it.  If you watched it and read all this then please leave a comment if you want, I’d love to know what you think / if all the visitors are even real people.  I’d hope you’re real and not a ghost cause that’d be scary.

This project was filmed with stupidity in mind, we didn’t really have a script just an idea to play pool and have dumb stuff happen throughout.

I just want to remind myself and others that I want this to be a gaming website, what that entails yet I don’t know, it’s a slow burn.  But I’m glad I’m finally getting around to do this.

Hunter Armada

About HunterArmada

I play video games, record it, upload it and write about the experience. Using Youtube and WordPress to help create something new and interesting.