CODE VEIN Gameplay

Code Vein doesn’t reinvent the wheel on the standard Dark Souls formula but it adds so many new things that it can stand out on its own.

From the amount of customization to all the various abilities you can build the character you want to play through the game.

There's alot here

It may seem overwhelming but it surprisingly isn’t, it comes down to what kind of playstyle you're looking for and then changing your loadout to match.

Gather Haze

You gather Haze (Blood) which is souls from Dark Souls but the thing I like about Code Vein is that rather than deciding on one thing to level up you just baseline level up.

Gas Masks are a Must!

One of the more unique aspects is that in the world all the characters need to wear gas masks to breathe properly which adds a cool dynamic to the story and helps with the world-building.

Everything you need to know

You have a standard health bar, stamina bar, and even a limited amount of heals at your disposal that refreshes between quote-unquote bonfire visits.

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Let’s all dawn our gas masks and dive into the unforgiving world of blood-thirsty monsters!

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Let’s all dawn our gas masks and dive into the unforgiving world of blood-thirsty monsters!

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